Projects undertaken by CREDA: Contribution
to social development
After twenty years of being actively involved in community work,
CREDA has established a firm foothold in the villages. CREDA
has also demonstrated that building mechanisms for empowering
the community is a dynamic, non-linear and multifaceted process,
and takes years to accomplish.
Even today, there is a lot of resistance to CREDA from the village-based
industries and from parents in the project area.
As a support organisation, CREDA set about encouraging the
establishment of broad based community institutions at the grassroot
level. This is an important element in creating a supportive
environment for children’s education and CREDA believes
that in order to make this happen, internal capacity for managing
local affairs and resources must be built. Bringing in the active
participation of parents is seen by CREDA as the only way to
Eradication of Child Labour
Eradication of Child labour forms the core of all of CREDA’s
work. CREDA has been actively fighting to get children work
out of work since 1982. It wishes to empower children through
education to help them lead a more focussed life based on informed
CREDA believes that full-time elementary education is the only
solution for elimination of child labour and general poverty.
To this end CREDA has initiated many projects to get children
out of work and into schools. CREDA also ensures that the children
who join schools remain there and mainstream themselves into
government schools.
Health is intrinsically related to rural development.
Economic and social inequality and overwork are causes of ill
health. Children and women are specially susceptible to illness
due to poor nourishment and overwork in the looms. CREDA has
been raising health issues amongst the villagers through education
in schools and health melas where free check ups are offered.
Women's Empowerment
Since the start of the UNDP/NORAD programme, CREDA has recognised
the important contribution women make towards economic and social
life in the villages. Establishment of women's groups is seen
as an opportunity for women to enhance their capacity to make
claims on the system that governs and directs their lives.
Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE)
50 Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) Centres had been opened
with 35 children at each Centre. More than 3,400 children under the
age group of 3 to 5 years have been covered in the programme,
more than half of them being girls.
Vocational Training of Villagers
Alongside eradication of child labour it is important that parents
are empowered by training. Cluster-level meetings were held
to identify villages where centres could be set up and people
can join. Identified villagers are given skilled training in
carpet weaving to help them further the craft as well as help
them earn some extra money.